Monday, April 25, 2011

Owen's First Easter

I know it has been awhile since I last updated this blog. Time has flown by, not sure what I have been doing. Oh yeah, changing diapers, feeding Owen and trying to sneak in a bite to eat and a shower for myself! I have really enjoyed my time so far with my little man, although I am desperately wanting spring weather. Here are some more pictures of Owen from just hanging out to his first Easter. He is changing every week! He is beginning to be a lot more attentive, following his rattle a little bit and really looking around when we hold him and really starting to look at us.

Here Owen is in his swing with a new blanket from my friend Candice from grad school. She said we can use it when we go for runs this year. Can't wait to start running in a week and a half!
Owen in his duck outfit, Ryan doesn't want him wearing ducks though because it is nerdy!
I think the pacifier is a little big for him.
Owen in his hand made sweater from his Grandma Cavanaugh. So cute!
Our First Easter as a family
Owen dyeing his first easter eggs. His was green and said his name. Ryan's egg said Jesus Saves us!
Our family friend made a pea pod for Owen to lay in for pictures. Well Owen is a big pea that was splitting out of the pea pod. This will be perfect though when we have our next child to take to the hospital and have pictures in it. It also looks perfect in the nursery since I have a sweet pea pillow in the rocking chair.
Owen was really happy in his My First Easter shirt with sports easter eggs. It is such a cute picture though.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Owen's 3rd Week of Life!

Well, not much new information about Owen, just eating, pooping, peeing, and sleeping. He is becoming a little more alert as the days go on. The other night he was very alert at 9:30 pm and Ryan and I looked at each other with worry that it was going to be a long night! I thought I would share some new pictures from this past week.

A visit from one of my school psychologists, Kristyn. She dreamt that Ryan and I had twins and gave her one. I made sure to keep my eyes on her so that she did not leave with Owen!
Owen's cute little monkey pants! This was during tummy time.

His cute little socks from Aunt Lynn and Andrea!
Our friend Chris and his wife Marianne stopped by on Saturday night to meet Owen. They are expecting their first child in September, which we are very excited about to have a little friend for Owen so close in age. Chris was getting some practice for when he has to hold his little bundle of joy. Ryan's advice was "don't worry you can't break him."
Aunt Theresa, Uncle Jimmy, Great Grandpa Jesionowski, Jillian and Adam came to visit us today. Here are some photos, Owen was pretty much passed out all day during their visit.

Passed out in Jillian's arms

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Owen is 2 Weeks Old!

Owen is 2 weeks old! He had many firsts over the past weekend:

First meeting with Felicity Hand, his possible future wife! Reis, Courtney & Felicity came to visit us. Although Owen never woke up, we are sure it was love at first sight for him and Felicity. Here are the new dads with the couple.
Courtney and I have gone through many special events together: college, weddings, and the birth of our first children all around the same time.
First bath, he was not this content during the actual bath.
First pair of Adidas shoes! We are hoping he continues to want to wear Adidas shoes, aka soccer shoes.
First time wearing his hat from Jaime! We went for his 2-week dr appt. I was anxious to see if he was back to his birth weight if 7 lb 11 oz. Well, I don't need to worry about him not eating enough, he weighed 8 lb 9 oz! A little piggy! He is at the 75th percentile for height and weight.
Another first for Owen was our first walks in the neighborhood. It felt great to get fresh air and he slept the entire time! We will be taking many more as the weather gets nice.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

1 Week Old!

Owen is already 1-week old and we have been home for a week now with the little man. The first week was filled with many visitors bringing us food, gifts and much love. Owen and I are home together alone for our first day. We miss Ryan every day and wish he were here with us. I know that it is hard for him to leave every morning, but we have been checking in with him at work each day. Last night was the first night that Owen did not go to sleep right after his night feedings. He was wide-eyed after I got done feeding him, so mom is a little more sleep deprived today. But we have had a good day so far together alone. I have even gotten in a short nap, which I am going to try to force myself to do each day even though I am really not a napper!

Here are some more pictures for you to enjoy!

Bella Baby took pictures of Owen in the hospital and below are a few that I thought I would share. I cry every time I look at them. They turned out great, now the hard part of choosing which ones we want for the house.

Owen doing tummy time today (April 5th). His neck is extremely strong, he is constantly moving it all around when we hold him and when Ryan lays with him on his chest.

Bogdonas Siblings with Owen! They came on Sunday and brought us dinner and enjoyed time with nephew Owen.
This is one of Owen's favorite positions, laying on dad's chest! He is such a snuggler!
Landon, Tristi and Jake came to visit last weekend. Who would of thought when Tristi and I played soccer together at 4 years old that we would remain friends all these years and have boys together! I can't wait for them to become good friends.
Grandma Cavanaugh came last weekend to spend time with us and helped out around the house!
Owen on his way to the pediatrician, I caught him smiling in his sleep. He makes the funniest faces when he is sleeping.
Gianna, Addie and Jaime came to visit us last week. The girls were very excited to meet Owen and were hoping to play with him and his toys. They may have to wait a while longer to do that. Owen showed Gianna how he likes to pee all over when we change him!
Our Italian Mafioso Owen!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Owen's First Week of Life

Owen is almost 1-week old already! This first week has flown by with the little man at home. Ryan and I have been enjoying every moment with him. He is such a snuggler and a great baby. We can look at him all day long.

Knock on wood, but he has really been great at night, I am getting anywhere from 5-6 hours or so of sleep, which is alot better than what I anticipated. I know it all can change quickly so I am enjoying the sleep each night because who knows what the next night will bring.

Here are some pictures of Owen since we have been at home.

In his adorable monkey sleeper! I could just eat his little feet!
Owen hanging out with Grandma Bogdonas. She bought his this cutie monkey onesie. She was wearing the mask because she had a sinus infection and just wanted to take every precaution. He loved hanging out with Grandma.

Owen lounging in his swing, I think all the moving about and running that I did while pregnant with him made him love being rocked and riding in the car.
This is exactly the position we saw him in during the 3-d ultrasound. He loves having his hands in his face.
Aunt Andrea came to visit on Thursday.