Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 36 Bump & Nursery Pictures

Week 36!! Whoa!! The bump is getting big! Ryan took a very close up picture to really enhance the size of my belly. Still feeling good and plugging along. I go to the doctor again this coming Friday and will give you an update on how things are progressing. I counted the number of work days left if I went all the way to my due date and I am at 20 days! The countdown begins.

Ryan and I have been busy getting things ready around the house for the arrival of our little one. Below are some pictures of the nursery. It is about done for now until the baby comes and then we may add some gender specific decorations to it.

The quilt that grandma and great nona made for the little Sweet Pea! This was the rocking chair that my parents used to rock all of us in when we were babies.
There is the hat that Jaime made and the baby will most likely wear home from the hospital!

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